Thursday, April 10, 2008


Isn't she cute!
She is such a dork! JK! Mom had to go get ready for bed now! LOL! So I'll take the blog from here.
Well, I am 12 years old now and am excitingly finally in Young Women's. In June I will finally be able to participate in Girl's Camp. I am now in softball, the sport right now, which happens to be the best. If you don't know my family, you will soon find out that we have a very tight schedule. With us kids in every sport known to man I don't know how mom and dad pull it off. I play softball, basketball, soccer, and just added a new sport.....CHEERLEADING!!!!!!
I was so excited to make the team. It started off as just some extra time to spend with one of my best friends, Mary Catherine, but now it's a real sport just like the rest and i will happily be starting it next year as i enter the.....7TH GRADE!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!
Mom and dad say I'm growing up to fast but i think it's taken forever just to make it this far and can't wait for the years to come and right now i think the best are till waiting. Well............Um........O............
I am in student council this year I have been running for the last 2 years and finally made it. Last year I also made Honor Choir and was very happy about that. Now we are preparing for a concert which we will be preforming at Six Flags. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!
That same day I will also be preforming for band,(not so excited) Well mom's rushing me.....
"Kimberly you need to go to bad," So i got to go but I will be back so just try to hold back the tears for now.
By: Kimberly Ferris

Seriously, I don't know where all that sarcasm comes from. LOL
Well, now that she is gone, let me think of what she didn't tell you. Like how she has a cell phone that is attached to her pemanantly. That is where she learned that fun new "texting" langauage that I still can't understand!
Oh yea, she didn't mention "The Purse". Kimberly got her first designer Coach purse for Christmas this year, and no I didn't buy it! Until she got it I didn't even know what Coach was. A boy bought it for her. Yea, that's right. I know what your thinking. "She is way too young for that" Well I agree. That is why I could hardly contain my excitement when the boy called it quits a few weeks later. By the way, the purse it currantly on sale to the highest bidder. You know to help hear broken wounds and all. When she reads this tomorrow she is going to kill me. Oh well, I owe her!
I had better go for now. We'll add Brendan and Christen tomorrow.
See Ya,

The Blog Spot Begins!!!!!

How did we fit a blog in with our busy schedule? Is still to be found out, but somehow we managed.

She is confident I'll give her that. Well, Kimberly had to step out to get ready for school tomorrow. We decided to start this after reading the We find "Elizabeth stories" histarical. Sorry Stephanie. Anyway we thought this would be a fun way to keep in touch with our family and friends. So we'll give it a shot.

Let's Start with Scott and myself. We have been happily married now for almost 13 years now. Wow, we are getting old! We enjoy running our kids around here and there to this sport and that.
We are still active in church activities for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I personally love my calling a ton, but of corse I do have the best group of girls I have ever met to work with.
Scott still works with the same company, now called ICL, and still on shift work. Yuk!!! He also continues to coach Kim's basketball and softball team. Which he loves.
I work at American Family Insurance in Bonne Terre and I love it. It is only part time and allows me to still focus on my family while making some extra cash that leads me to my, of corse, my favorite hobby, shopping. LOL. Just Joking.
We love our new home in Farmington. And I'm not talking about the dwelling in which we sleep. I mean we love Farmington. The church ward is great and the town is pleasant. We are finally starting to settle in and make some really good friends, that by the way if your reading this, we hope don't ever move anywhere else.
We had a rough 2007, with injuries, missing work, divorces of some close family, life threatning car accidents of family members, you know everyones average year. But we learned a lot and we still count our blessings everyday. We continue to lean on each other for support and that is and still remains the best part about this year and last.