Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Well, here she is lover of texting and itunes!
Kimberly Ferris

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Brendan played alright. It was a long season but he learned alot and made some new friends.

He caught some passes, and threw a few, and even got a touch down or two, but he made me the proudest when he was at a practice. The coach told them to run due to talking too much. One of the kids couldn't quite make it, but Brendan is fast he always is. He ran his laps and then came back to help a new friend. He stayed with him running in front and encouraging him to finish. I had to look away as a tear came to my eye. I couldn't help but think to myself, this made it all worth it. During the season we got compliments from the other dad's like " He throws like a pro" or "He runs like lightning" But the mom's who witnessed the same practice I did said " He is a good boy" and "He has good character"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

All of us Except Bobby

Fun Fun Fun

Fresh Conch before it went in our salad

Believe it or not this was still moving before he cut it up and put it in our salad. It was mixed with like a pico de gallo. Yum Yum! LOL
What was I thinking????

Brendan started having fun

before we left at Wal-mart.


Can you guess which foot belongs to which person?

This is my favorite picture of
Scott and the kids. I think it really captures the time that we enjoyed together.